Embed your org chart into the intranet with orginio

Integrate your org chart into your intranet portal

The company intranet portal is essential for employees when looking for information. This is why we believe it is very useful to integrate the corporate org chart there, too. This is no problem for org charts created with orginio. All you need is a so-called access key.

Publish your org chart with the help of an access key

This link is generated in the applications tab of the user management. Click the button “+ Access Key” and select “Public access to orginio” as type of application. Then, choose an expiration date and name the access key. After these quick steps, you’ll be presented with the access key, a public link. Please be aware that due to security reasons the link is only displayed after being created. Copy it from out of the pop-up window to place it on the respective page of your company’s intranet portal.

Employees benefit from the information at their fingertips

As soon as the org chart is online, every employee benefits of a clear, reliable overview of the company hierarchy, including further data such as contact details. Of course, the access control rules you’ve added to the organogram apply. The integrated search functionality offers a quick way to find co-workers by certain criteria such as name, special skills or hobbies. Especially new colleagues profit from the possibility of retrieving information about other team members, their contact details and responsibilities.

Organizational visualizations with org charts

Ingentis HR gimmicks

By Kelly O’Hara

We as humans are inherently visual. About 83% of what humans perceive is based on sight1 with the other 17% broken down among the other senses. As a logical consequence, we believe that the visualization of HR data (or any data in general) is an essential tool for identifying the information that is important to you when sifting through the data jungle! So, let’s explore some different ways you can create visual representations – with your org chart!

Hierarchy Structures

One of the most obvious visualizations for org charts is the hierarchy structure. Being able to see an entire organization from top to bottom in a visual way makes it easy for anyone viewing the chart to understand relationships and reporting structures quickly. An org chart can show details like pictures of employees, team structures within groups, and other data, or it can be a simple hierarchy tree that allows for viewers to easily drill down into departments and command structures.


Integrating KPIs directly into your org chart gives HR and managers quick access to important information about teams and departments, facilitating the process of HR controlling. For example, if your organization is looking to grow a department’s head count by the end of the year, showing the head count KPI right on the chart makes it easier to see how close you are to reaching your goal at a glance rather than drilling down into the department and manually counting the roles. Or, how about visualizing each department’s budget spent to see at a glance if they are still on track?
Check this page to see some more examples of how the visualization of KPIs looks like with Ingentis org.manager: https://www.ingentis.com/orgmanager/orgchartsoftware/controlling/

Big Data

The visualization of big data can be incredibly beneficial. Rather than working with spreadsheets and documents full of numbers and text, creating a visual representation of your organization’s data can make it easier and faster for consumption of the information at a glance. Employee demographics such as gender or age, location and head count are just a handful of data sets that can be visually represented.

A thought to keep in mind: The larger your organization, the more data you most likely have available. However, just because you have data available doesn’t mean you need to visualize all of it! Focus on making your complex or extensive data visual. If a visualization of the data doesn’t help in time-to-comprehension, it probably isn’t necessary.


Relationships on an org chart can be different from a standard hierarchical structure. Visualizing relationships that are cross-departmental, project-based, or otherwise outside of an employee’s regular reporting structure helps HR and managers see all areas of the organization that an employee touches. For instance, you can create separate groups for these relationships (e.g., project or agile teams which we’ll go further into below) or show the relationship through dotted lines. Read more about the visualization of organizational relationships in this Ingentis HR gimmick.

Special Skills

Special skills can often be overlooked as an important part of org charts. Adding skills to your organogram can help HR or managers quickly find employees who fit certain descriptions or have a non-role-related skill without having to send out to company-wide communications asking for the information.
Keep track of who on your staff is certified for first aid, what additional languages anyone speaks, or what degrees people hold. And what about fun information for culture like who enjoys playing soccer? The options for what you record are endless. A great option to visualize this kind of information easily is with the help of icons. Another way of quickly finding employees with special skills is by incorporating the search function. This example called “Who plays soccer” shows how it works in our cloud solution orginio: https://orginio.com/examples/

Agile Teams

Since agile teams are dynamic-based on which roles are needed for projects at a certain time, visualizing how they fit into your organization can be incredibly beneficial. There are a few ways you can visualize your agile team within your overall org chart. For example, try color coding employees who are part of a team, creating completely separate groups for the agile team. Or giving iconographic indicators to these employees so that when you look at the organization as a whole, you can delineate which employees are currently working on an agile project.
We recently wrote a blog post about how you can visualize agile team structures which you can check out to dive even deeper into the topic.

To learn more about ways to visualize your org charts with Ingentis, have a look at our org charting tools:

1.See for example Florack, Scarabis, Primosch (2012, p. 325), or Braem (2004, p.192). 
orginio: Cloud based org charting

The benefits of orginio for executives, HR managers and each employee of an organization

Org charts by orginio are versatile HR tools that each employee of an organization can benefit from.


The whole team at a glance, thanks to orginio. The overview orginio provides to executives is clear and rich in content – and it’s available anytime and anywhere.
Need to draw some information about a team member or contact them? Or, would you like to have a closer look into resources? It’s all possible in your orginio org chart.

Access protection allows you to limit the availability of confidential data to certain people.

HR managers

With orginio, the creation of org charts is easy to handle. If the necessary data is already saved in an Excel file, all you have to do is upload it to orginio! Of course, you can start from scratch and develop your hierarchy structure step-by-step. Additional information about an employee (e.g. skills) can be added at any time.

Dotted lines show relationships between employees, e.g. mentor- or deputyships, or successors.

Org chart branding is also possible with orginio: Give your org chart the right look by adjusting it to your corporate design or selecting one of the designs already available with the application.

Changes to a company’s structure can happen anytime. Reorganize your org chart within seconds via drag & drop.

Executives and HR managers

The visualization of important KPIs turns org charts into a powerful strategic tool for executives and HR managers. Be it head count, span of control or other key figures – it takes just the push of a button to display them within the org chart.

Each employee of an organization

orginio provides everybody with a clear, reliable overview of the company hierarchy, including contact information. The integrated search functionality helps when looking for further data.
Especially new colleagues profit from the possibility of retrieving information about other team members, their contact details and responsibilities.
The org charts are printable and exportable.

Are you interested in learning more about orginio? Check out the org charting tool’s most favorite features here.

The org chart as an operational tool

by Kelly O’Hara

Once in a while, when time allows, we would like to share with you why we are so into HR software. For example, when it comes to the efficient use of HR data: The amounts of information that HR departments have to deal with is enormous. And often, time is not on their side. But there are a few ideas that might help sifting through all of the data to discover and make use of what is important for the specific situation. For one, org charts are great for that. “Org charts?” you might say aloud in wonder. Let us walk you through it in our new blog series “Ingentis HR gimmicks”!

When typically thinking of an org chart, people often imagine a family-tree style visualization of their company’s structure that is mainly used to look up somebody’s phone number or last name. But did you know that there’s so much more to an org chart? With the following use cases, we’d like to give you an overview of the full operational power org charts really provide.

The Central Directory

The most common use case for an org chart is probably how employees can easily refer to it as a directory of their entire company that lets employees know who’s who on certain teams and their structures. Directory-style org charts can be quite basic, showing name and title and potentially nothing else. However, they become a lot more useful when they’re injected with a greater amount of information.

At the very least, org charts should include employee photos. This makes it easier for colleagues to seek one another out, especially in larger organizations. Further details like phone number, location, or even whether or not the employee is on parental leave can be added to the chart for better visibility into the workforce.

A Better Way to Plan

A robust org chart tool can help in planning team, department, and company reorganizations to the point of contentment before putting them into action. Using an org chart to visualize a reorganization can help avoid overlooked problems like too many vacancies on a team. Tracking budgets for teams and departments within an org chart can ensure that any changes your company is planning are feasible based on what certain teams are allocated.

The more collaborative the planning within an org chart is, the better. With a tool that allows for real-time tracking as well as multiple users, teams are able to plan more efficiently, without having to send plans back and forth to one another. Instead, members of various different teams can work together within the chart so that no plans or versions are lost.

Tracking Roles, Responsibilities & Workloads

Sometimes it can be difficult to see just how overworked an employee is until it’s visualized. With an org chart that tracks roles and responsibilities, team members and managers can quickly see if one person is taking on the majority of a certain type of work or if it’s spread out over the proper amount of people.

Tracking KPIs like this within your org chart, makes it easier to plan for additional headcount if workloads become too much for an individual or an entire team. Being able to compare similar roles and workloads within an organogram enables managers to see how comparable teams are structured and which structures result in the best outputs.

Bring Remote Workers Together

Since many companies now offer their employees to telecommute either full- or part-time, it is important to have tools available to facilitate the collaboration between these remote workers and teams. An org chart can help remote employees get a better picture of what their team looks like and who they can go to within the organization.

As face-to-face time may be limited with remote workers and teams, it is crucial to have a structure in place that allows them to easily access the information of their colleagues. Since walking to someone’s desk to ask a question isn’t a possibility, org charts help by giving more visibility into a team mate’s information.

Ingentis offers org charting solutions as add-ons to leading HR systems such as SAP ERP HCM, SAP SuccessFactors, Oracle HR solutions, ADP Vantage HCM, ADP Workforce Now and more. Click on the following links to learn all about:

orginio wishes you Happy Holidays and lots of smart org charts

Happy holidays and smart org charts for 2018!

Did you enjoy org charting with orginio this year? We hope the favorite features presented to you during the past months were helpful when working on your org chart. Of course, they are available online for you to browse.

Keeping it smart and simple in 2018

As for next year, look forward to some useful “How to” guidelines to keep org charting with orginio smart and simple. For example, are you planning to integrate your orginio into the company intranet? Or, would you like to provide org charts for different target groups? We’ve prepared some ideas for you!

orginio milestones 2017

Meanwhile, there are quite some orginio milestones to look back on: For example, a new webservice interface allows you to merge org charts from orginio and the on-premises solution Ingentis org.manager. As a result, decentralized structures can be shown within the central org chart.
As orginio now integrates with both ADP Workforce Now and ADP Vantage HCM, it was added to the ADP Marketplace. In our effort to provide a broad availability of the HTML5 app, we were also able to list orginio in the Deltek Product Marketplace. Of course, we won’t stop here and are already working on further integrations and app store listings – stay tuned.

Thank you

As you can see, it’s an exciting time for orginio and we are looking forward to all the things to come in 2018. But before targeting the next cornerstones, we would like to say thank you for your trust in us and in orginio.

We wish you happy holidays and a healthy and successful new year!

orginio allows for Single Sign-On with Okta

orginio’s first single sign-on integration

Online org charting tool ready-to-use in Okta Network

orginio, Ingentis’ org charting and workforce planning solution for the cloud, has now been added to the Okta Application Network (OAN). Okta, leading single sing-on (SSO) provider in North America, is known for being the “foundation for secure connections between people and technology”. Its OAN platform offers SSO access to currently more than 5.000 pre-integrated applications while complying with highest security standards.

First SSO integration

Aside from now being part of a network that connects thousands of organizations with essential business applications, the addition to the OAN is also a special first for orginio: “This is the first SSO integration of orginio and therefore definitely marks a highlight in our cloud solution’s still very young life!” says Michael Grimm, product manager of orginio. “People have been given ease of mind when working with their cloud apps thanks to Okta. Now, they can also enjoy smart org charting with orginio in the same safe environment.”

The integration of orginio is attended by the SAML authentication standard, an open-standard, XML-based data format for verification processes.

orginio offers five different licensing packages featuring various functionalities. The proceed PERFECT package comes with single sign-on.

Visit the Okta Application Network

orginio is available at the ADP Marketplace

orginio now on ADP’s Marketplace

orginio has reached a next great milestone and is now available for download on the ADP Marketplace. As a result, company visualizations can be created within orginio based on workforce data from ADP Workforce Now or Vantage HCM.

“Our goal with orginio was to develop an intuitive and easy to use org chart tool which could either be used independently or be synchronized with HR systems such as ADP Workforce Now or Vantage HCM”, Michael Grimm, product manager of orginio, explains. “We believe that visualizing your organizational structure with orginio will save you a tremendous amount of time you can instead spend on the essentials of your business.”

One-stop-shop for workforce solutions

ADP Marketplace is a cloud-based “one-stop-shop” designed to help employers dynamically manage an ecosystem of enterprise applications from ADP and world-class partners. This enables companies of all sizes to extend the value of their workforce solutions seamlessly across their entire organizations via a secure, single-sign-on process.

“Many companies struggle to integrate core HCM and business applications. ADP Marketplace empowers employers to overcome that challenge so they can focus on boosting their business agility and their employees’ success,” said Don Weinstein, Chief Strategy Officer, ADP. “Ingentis’ clients can access pre-integrated workforce data in real-time through one intuitive platform while tapping into a growing ecosystem of trusted HCM apps to meet their evolving business needs.”

Check out orginio in the ADP Marketplace

Happy Holidays from orginio

Merry Christmas and a happy new year

Thank you for your patience during the past few weeks as the orginio blog has fallen silent. You can be sure that our work on and with orginio has not come to a halt: One of this year’s highlights is the development of two further licensing versions, “proceed PERFECT“ and “complete COMFORT“. Altogether, five licensing types enable us to flexibly react to our customers’ needs.
proceed PERFECT allows the analyzation of your data as well as the definition of customized data schemes. In addition, the restoration of data and a protocol of amendments is available with complete COMFORT. Just like “advance ATTRACTIVE”, both new versions also enable user-specific field permissions to protect sensitive information.

Most favorite features of orginio

To better understand these and other features of orginio, we will provide you with some more short overviews of the most favored features in early 2017. These include easy navigation through the structure tree and the visualization of KPIs within the organizational chart, amongst others.
So, while we are already looking forward to a very exciting time for orginio, we want to thank you for your support during these past few months. We hope you stay tuned for what is to come in 2017.
Enjoy your Christmas holidays and have a successful and fun new year!
Successor planning with orginio

No successor appeared from nowhere

Who will be the successor for the position?

Unfortunately, this is a question that is not resolved in time at many companies. According to a global study entitled “Succession Matters” by Hanover Research, which was commissioned by the world’s largest executive search company “Korn Ferry”, every third respondent is dissatisfied with the successor management. Just 47 percent of the 1,000 executives surveyed think that their employer has sufficient up-and-coming talents. Twenty four percent even stated that their company did not maintain any successor program at all for board members and managing directors. Successor programs for middle management are only used by 38 percent of the participants.

This is a result that gives food for thought. After all, staffing gaps should be avoided and key positions must be replaced in good time. This ensures that qualified employees with appropriate expertise take up the position and no idle time periods occur for the company.

Successor planning

Successor planning can also be a good instrument for staff retention if employees are prepared for moving up to the new position in good time. The binding prospect of a higher position gives the employee perspectives and fosters company loyalty. Particularly in the case of positions that will be unfilled in the future because of retirement or parental leave, a successor program makes sense.

An organization chart is appropriate for depicting relevant successor information, such as potential, know-how and fluctuation risk. Employees with the appropriate criteria can be found via the search function. If the successor has already been decided, then they can already be displayed directly in the organization chart via the link (e.g. “dotted line” representation) to the position or to the employee.

Even the departure risk of employees can be faded in. The information in the organization chart serves as a kind of warning signal here and makes people aware of the need for action in good time. Only authorized executives have access to this sensitive data. Furthermore, vacant positions can be highlighted and it becomes apparent where immediate need for action exists.

Thus, nothing can prevent the first step towards successor planning anymore!

Visualize potential successors in the org chart in orginio

Fig. 1: orginio – depicting departure risk and successor in the organization chart (dotted line – in green here)


Display unfilled positions in the online org chart in orginio

Fig. 2: orginio – displaying unfilled position in the organization chart

Digitalization in Human Resources

The wave of digitization reaches HR

The wave of digitalization rolls on and does not stop at the door of Human Resources

More and more work processes are supported electronically. HR applications and apps can be found in all forms on the market. They should make the daily working life of Human Resources staff easier. No matter whether it involves Talent Management, Recruiting or Organization – digitization is a major topic. What influence does digitization have on Human Resources? We will show you some areas affected by the digital revolution.

1. HR process

Digitization brings with it more streamlined HR processes that run faster and more smoothly. Projects can be managed better interdepartmentally and internationally. Vacation requests, time recording and travel expense accounting etc. are now done digitally. Manual effort is disappearing.

2. Transparency

Human Resources is becoming more transparent. Ever increasing amounts of data are indeed being produced. However, with the digital HR solutions these are evaluated and processed automatically. The HR staff quickly gets an overview of HR key figures, employee data and organization structure. Thus, for example, organization charts customized simply by Drag & Drop and which display individual employee information are moving onto the screen (see figure).

The search in orginio shows all employees matching the criteria

3. Communication

Digitization is also having an effect on HR communication, of course. Digital platforms are shaping internal and external communication. Thus, recruiting is taking place more and more via social networks such as Xing and LinkedIn, for example. But also job platforms on the Internet have become indispensable when it comes to recruiting staff.