Tag Archive for: Recruiting

Maintain an overview of open positions with orginio

Recruiting: No more big pond

A few years ago, searching for candidates was just like fishing in a big pond. Skilled labor was plentiful. There were many well-qualified applicants for one position. It didn’t take too long to find the right candidate.

Things are different today! The big pond leads into a fast-flowing river. Although there are plenty of candidates – finding the perfect one is not easy. The shortage of skilled labor isn’t the only challenge. Competition is fierce too. A goldfish might swim past and end up within the net of a rival.

What to do? Fishing should start at home. Is there still spare capacity, or does a new position have to be created? Which org units are already stretched to capacity and clearly need new employees? Which positions are unoccupied? A glance at the organization chart will help: Watch the video now