Tag Archive for: publish org chart

Workforce modeling online with orginio

Modeling structures directly in your org chart

The latest version of orginio comes with a great new feature allowing you to model new structures without having to modify your main org chart.

Maybe you have already noticed the new section “modeling” in the settings. This is where you need to go to create and manage modeling charts.

Create a modeling chart for workforce modeling with orginio.

Click on the “+ MODELING” button, name the simulation, and you are all set to start modeling.

Switch to edit mode and carry out all the changes running through your mind. The options are manifold:

  • Use drag & drop to move people, positions or even whole departments to another place in the org chart
  • Add, change or delete departments, positions or people

KPIs included in your organizational chart will be updated automatically in real-time. Your initial org chart will not be affected by any changes made in the process.

You can create up to five different simulations in orginio allowing you to take into account several options. When viewing your org chart, you will be seeing a little dropdown list on top which makes it easy for you to switch between the main org chart and the modeling charts, if needed.

Navigation bar to switch between org chart viewsNavigation bar to switch between org chart views

Sharing your simulation

Oftentimes, there is more than one person working on the modeling of org structures. Therefore, it is possible, to allow other users of the main org chart to view and edit the simulation as well.

Activate the desired modeling chart in the orginio settings.

Activate the modeling chart to which you want to add users by clicking on the little “play” button in the modeling section and then navigate to “user management” in the settings. Click on “+ USERS” to add any user to your simulation and determine their permissions.

Invite others to collaborate on a workforce modeling project in orginio

Why model reorganizations?

The world today is one of change. That is also true for organizational structures.

Changes are important and necessary; however, they should be thought through thoroughly before they become effective.

orginio’s new simulation function makes it possible to visualize potential changes and see the impact on the organizational structure. Creating different options ensures well-informed decisions considering also the consequences of the reorganization before putting it into place.

Happy Holidays from orginio

Happy holidays from your orginio team!

It’s that time of the year again and as we are taking a look back on the past months we hope that orginio was of great use to you in 2018 when creating your org charts!

Maybe our cloud solution helped you share details on the org hierarchy with your colleagues? Did you integrate it into your company’s intranet portal? Or, were you able to visualize additional relations such as succession within the org chart via dotted line?

Whatever the scenario, in order to keep working with orginio easy and straightforward, we’ve published some articles this year in the orginio blog that target various possible application scenarios.
In addition, you’ll find some helpful videos on our Examples page as well as articles to cool features on the Favorite Features page. You should have a look 😉

New design for greater user experience

To further optimize the orginio user experience, we introduced a design update this year. It’s modern and fresh, and allows you to present more information in the org chart, e.g. additional details of a selected object.

Thanks to new display rules, objects can now either be blanked out or highlighted via color coding. If you haven’t tried these rules out, you should. This way, it’s so much easier to focus on the information relevant to you!

But before you dive back into org charting with orginio, we would like to wish you happy holidays and a healthy, prosperous new year!

Let there be more smart org charts in 2019! 🙂

Publish, share and print online org charts with orginio

How to publish, share and print org charts

In our blog article „The benefits of orginio“ we already pointed out how an org chart can be beneficial to different groups of people within an organization. But first, it needs to be made available to them. So, in case you have just finalized or updated your org chart, here are some ways to share it with your colleagues.

Publish on the intranet

In order to reach as many co-workers as possible, you can publish your organogram on your company’s intranet. All you need is the access key, a public link, which you integrate into the portal. The access key comes with the great advantage that existing access rules are in effect.
Find a more detailed description on how to generate the access key and publish your orginio in the article “Integrate your org chart into your intranet portal”.


The entry link – read more about it on the favorite features page – is not only helpful if you’d like to bookmark a certain point of the hierarchy structure to come back to if needed.
The entry link can also be shared with co-workers to inform about or discuss a certain view of the org chart.
Make sure that your colleagues are logged in before using the link as access rules apply.


Printing org charts from orginio is really easy. Click the print button in the settings bar to receive either a PDF or an image file (your choice!) of the displayed boxes. In this case, what you see is what you get.

Click on the printing icon in the settings bar to print your org chart or create a PDF

Embed your org chart into the intranet with orginio

Integrate your org chart into your intranet portal

The company intranet portal is essential for employees when looking for information. This is why we believe it is very useful to integrate the corporate org chart there, too. This is no problem for org charts created with orginio. All you need is a so-called access key.

Publish your org chart with the help of an access key

This link is generated in the applications tab of the user management. Click the button “+ Access Key” and select “Public access to orginio” as type of application. Then, choose an expiration date and name the access key. After these quick steps, you’ll be presented with the access key, a public link. Please be aware that due to security reasons the link is only displayed after being created. Copy it from out of the pop-up window to place it on the respective page of your company’s intranet portal.

Employees benefit from the information at their fingertips

As soon as the org chart is online, every employee benefits of a clear, reliable overview of the company hierarchy, including further data such as contact details. Of course, the access control rules you’ve added to the organogram apply. The integrated search functionality offers a quick way to find co-workers by certain criteria such as name, special skills or hobbies. Especially new colleagues profit from the possibility of retrieving information about other team members, their contact details and responsibilities.