Tag Archive for: org chart

orginio wishes you Happy Holidays and lots of smart org charts

Happy holidays and smart org charts for 2018!

Did you enjoy org charting with orginio this year? We hope the favorite features presented to you during the past months were helpful when working on your org chart. Of course, they are available online for you to browse.

Keeping it smart and simple in 2018

As for next year, look forward to some useful “How to” guidelines to keep org charting with orginio smart and simple. For example, are you planning to integrate your orginio into the company intranet? Or, would you like to provide org charts for different target groups? We’ve prepared some ideas for you!

orginio milestones 2017

Meanwhile, there are quite some orginio milestones to look back on: For example, a new webservice interface allows you to merge org charts from orginio and the on-premises solution Ingentis org.manager. As a result, decentralized structures can be shown within the central org chart.
As orginio now integrates with both ADP Workforce Now and ADP Vantage HCM, it was added to the ADP Marketplace. In our effort to provide a broad availability of the HTML5 app, we were also able to list orginio in the Deltek Product Marketplace. Of course, we won’t stop here and are already working on further integrations and app store listings – stay tuned.

Thank you

As you can see, it’s an exciting time for orginio and we are looking forward to all the things to come in 2018. But before targeting the next cornerstones, we would like to say thank you for your trust in us and in orginio.

We wish you happy holidays and a healthy and successful new year!

Maintain an overview of open positions with orginio

Recruiting: No more big pond

A few years ago, searching for candidates was just like fishing in a big pond. Skilled labor was plentiful. There were many well-qualified applicants for one position. It didn’t take too long to find the right candidate.

Things are different today! The big pond leads into a fast-flowing river. Although there are plenty of candidates – finding the perfect one is not easy. The shortage of skilled labor isn’t the only challenge. Competition is fierce too. A goldfish might swim past and end up within the net of a rival.

What to do? Fishing should start at home. Is there still spare capacity, or does a new position have to be created? Which org units are already stretched to capacity and clearly need new employees? Which positions are unoccupied? A glance at the organization chart will help: Watch the video now