Is UKG Ready your trusted system of record? Are you looking for an easy way to visualize your organizational structure and keep it up to date without manual effort? Are reorganizations and scenario planning on your agenda?
Time for you to get to know orginio!
The cloud-based application connects with UKG Ready and automatically creates org charts based on available data. Define custom display rules to focus on individual aspects and identify areas that require attention. Additionally, orginio offers a modeling feature that lets you simulate structural changes without affecting the main org chart or data in UKG Ready.
Does that sound about right to you?
Your Benefits at a Glance
Custom Display Rules for Quick Identification of Critical Aspects
What-If Scenarios and Reorganizations via Drag-and-Drop
How to Benefit from orginio
Automated Visualization of the Organizational Structure
Thanks to orginio, outdated org charts are a problem of the past. The application can easily be connected to UKG Ready and pulls data from there automatically. It is up to you to define how often you would like to import data from your UKG solution – and consequently update your org chart in orginio.
Display Rules for Simple Workforce Analytics
orginio lets you define your own display rules and thus focus on aspects that are of particular importance to you. No matter if it is about performance, location, headcount, or literally any other attribute you have stored in UKG Ready and imported to orginio, set how and when objects are to be highlighted and use the interactive legend to easily switch display rules on and off.
Scenario Planning via Drag-and-Drop
Copy your current organizational structure and create what-if scenarios simply via drag-and-drop. Objects can very easily be edited, deleted, or added and moved to other places in the structure. Included key metrics, such as spans of control, are updated automatically during the process while your original org chart and data in UKG Ready will not be affected by any modifications made.
Advanced Print and Export Features
You want to share your org chart with someone who is not able to access orginio? No problem, the application comes with advanced printing and exporting options.
Export your organizational structure in the form of a PDF or an image or have orginio create a multi-page PDF that includes a table of content and lets you navigate through the structure by clicking on the boxes in the org chart.
Are You Interested in Learning More About orginio?
Check out our examples and favorite features to get an idea of how easy yet beneficial it is for you and your organization to use orginio.
Or just get started right away.